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What are Beskyttet Geografisk Betegnelse

About Protected Designations

Protected designations are a public labeling scheme that ensures that Norwegian food taxes receive the protection and recognition they deserve.

Few know that we have food taxes in Norway that are produced only a few kilometers from where they live.

The diversity of products is a result of long traditions, high knowledge and raw materials grown under very favorable growth conditions. This helps to give the products unique taste and characteristics. It is these protected designations will cherish.

The Norwegian regulations are similar to the EU’s regulations. See information on regulations and guidelines.

Read more about the history of the individual products

Protected designations are regulated by separate national regulations. It includes three different terms

  • Protected designation of origin
  • Protected geographical indication
  • Protected traditional character.

See alphabetical list of who has what type of designation here

Purpose of protected designations:

  • Greater food diversity and increased value creation by stimulating regional and local food production.
  • Provides the consumer with reliable information about the product’s geographical affiliation, tradition and distinctive qualities.
  • We take care of important knowledge about Norwegian food and food culture.

It is the Norwegian Food Safety Authority that makes final approval of an application for protection.

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